First Blog Post


Hi folks! Hope you're having a good day. I'm starting a blog for my website as I think it would be good to have somewhere to put long form thoughts about what's going on in my life. I used to have a diary for a few years, but it became stressful as I felt the need to recount things in minute, fractalling details. That became pretty stressful! If I need to write things that are vaguely interesting and must retain some privacy then hopefully I can keep it all to a reasonable length, and have it be interesting and thoughtful rather than just a compulsive recounting of details.

Social media like instagram is having a pretty negative effect on my life recently, so I'm trying to cut back on how much I use it. But my need to share my thoughts is still there! There is a very small chance anyone will read these to be honest, only a handful of people know about my website at the moment, but that's okay. IF you've stumbled through the huge library of the internet onto this specific little webpage, that's fantastic.
