Fairy of Mokosh header. Two creatures point to the header: one is an insect-like fairy, the other a dolphin with antennae. Hearts, stars, a moon, trans symbol and another creature decorate the letters.

My interests

Pages coming at some point:

  • TV shows
  • Music
  • Nature?*

My 2024 Letterboxd Year In Review!

*Although I'd love to make stuff here about nature, I'm not entirely sure what to do. This is partly because I'm in the progress of making a more public-facing/ professional website, where I plan to detail things like conservation volunteering I do, put nature photos and put up research and possibly essays I've done. This is because I'm working towards a career in ecology. So in order to not duplicate stuff, I wouldn't want to also post it here. Perhaps more low-key stuff and opinion pieces or things about ecology I wouldn't want employers to see. E.g. anarchist ecology stuff, or spirituality combined with ecology.

For a more general look at what's next for Fairy of Mokosh, check out my blog post by clicking here :3.