Fairy of Mokosh header image. Two creatures point to the header: one is an insect-like fairy, the other a dolphin with antennae. Hearts, stars, a moon, trans symbol and another creature decorate the letters.

Zhenya's Den

Wow! Your skilled web-surfing skills have brought you here.

Welcome to my website. I'm Zhenya. I hope you enjoy your stay here!

See the navigation (on the left) to find parts of the den you can explore :3

Frequently updating my textiles page!

New blog post all about my website plans for this site and a new one!

And check out what new pages are coming soon!

[11/08/2024] Gosh I've just been hit with how much I love having a personal website, and also how happy I am to be alive in general. Good heavens, life is good! I may be having inconvenient divinatory dreams, but hey, I've just bought myself an ipod classic i'm going to install rockbox on... And, I invented the word yestoday, today.

Just found out that 123Guestbook.com, the site I hosted my guestbook on, closed down last month. You can still see my guestbook at the moment. It's in read-only format, and the background image vanished, but I've downloaded it for archival purposes and will figure out how to preserve it somewhere here if 123Guestbook.com properly takes them down later. It's got some lovely messages from you lot I don't want to lose. Against my better judgement, as it's nearly 3am and I'm volunteering in the morn', I made a 88x31 button y'all can display on your sites to pay tribute to the legendary guestbook hosting site. Feel free to use it without linking back or crediting me, it would make more sense to link back to their website, like I've done here (or an archival version of it on archive.org which I'll do later).
RIP 123Guestbook 2005-2024. Pixel art guestbook-shaped gravestone.

*~.Spread the word!.~*

fairy-of-mokosh in bubble writing with small green fairy transgender symbol and insectlike fairy surrounded by hearts and stars fairy-of-mokosh with small green fairy
get sandy in the pit chicks following chicken pixel art with hearts
Insectlike fairy in a hard hat holds a hammer and clipboard, with the text construction in progress hello kitty painting gif zooey electra, a pale turquoise shadow high fashion doll 'sign my guestbook!' sticker with cartoon of a quill writing in a book button with cartoon whale saying 'extra stuff!' gif of three smiling creatures dancing in a circle holding hands, surrounded by stars, hearts and music notes. There is a blue cat, a fat yellow creature with antennae and floppy ears, a pink rabbit.
blinkie with kirby swimming that says 'check out my blog!' rss logo

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El Birtles Clarke radishes publictransit pixelbank rainbow badge with pikachu that says 'trans rats! BOGLEECH.COM in a bleeding font, with the O as a leech. sunmiflowers written on sky background 2 Bit ASCII is forever/Textfiles.com text reading 'cinni' with a ladybird drawing doko/demo written, with a cat mothcore button with black and red moth blinkies.cafe | make your own blinkies! photo of a soft toy beanie baby rainbow worm with a rainbow border